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    NEWS ( PT. Petrosea Tbk
    Civil Work & Construction Material )
    Petrosea Is a mufti-disciplinary Mining. Engineering and Construction, and Services company with a track record of achievement m Indonesia since 1972. Drawing on 40 of rich and varied years of experience throughout the Indonesian Archipelago, Petrosca is now recognized as one of Indonesia* leacing coal mining contractors, we offer a competitive advantage through our atoflfty to provide oompiete ptt-to-port mining solutions, supported by integrated engineering and construction capacities, and logistics support that demonstrates absolute commitment to health and safety, quaftty. oommuntty. value, and business integrity. Petrosea has been Isted on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (OX: PTRO) since 1990 and was the first publcfy listed Indonesian engineering and construction company In Indonesia.
    Together with Its hottng company. PT Indka Energy Tbk. Petrosea Is able to provide solutions In the total energy chain. Understanding the demands of the Industry and having the ful suites of expertise
    Rina Indonesia

    PT Rina Indonesia, Marine Energy Certification Transportation Insfrastructure Industry ...

    PT VERDANCO INDONESIA, The best service is our priority in providing satisfaction to customers, wi ...
    Kotaminyak Internusa

    KotaMinyak Internusa, We ensure our manufacturing conforms to multiple international standards: ...
    PT Bakrie Pipe Industries

    PT Bakrie Pipe Industries - Pioneer & Leader of Steel Pipe Manufacturers in Indonesia, As a pioneer of the first, largest, and leading steel pipe factory in Indon ...
    PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA)

    ASSA Rent, Sewa Mobil Perusahaan Terpercaya, Untuk keperluan sewa mobil perusahaan Anda, ASSA Rent menyediakan penyewaan ...

    , PT Bumi Daya Plaza merupakan perusahaan yang berfokus dalam bisnis persewaa ...
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